Apply for a place

We have funded places available in our Nursery!

Applying for a Nursery place

The local authority are responsible for co-ordinating admissions for all year groups including nursery. The link to the local authority portal is:  You will be asked to put down three choices of school, the first being your preferred choice.

You can find out about starting in nursery on the local authority website here.

Click here to see our Admission Policy 2024-25

Please note that with regards to 2023-24 admissions, it is no longer necessary to fill out the school's supplementary form. Parents and carers only need to fill out the Tower Hamlets form on the e-admissions website

The deadline for nursery applications is 16th February 2024.

Applying for a Reception place                                       

You must apply for a Reception class place for your child even if they attend our school nursery or have an older brother or sister at our school.

Please note if your child attends a nursery attached to any school this does not give them priority for a place in Reception at that school.

  1. Please refer to the Tower Hamlets School Admission website for a copy of the Tower Hamlets Admissions Booklet. This will give you information about all schools in Tower Hamlets and how to apply for a place.

  2. If your child does not attend nursery or you do not have copy, you will be able to download it via this link: Primary school admissions.
  3. Once you have decided which schools to apply for, you must complete the CAF (Common Application Form) form online
  4. Please note that with regards to 2023-24 admissions, it is no longer necessary to fill out the school's supplementary form. Parents and carers only need to fill out the Tower Hamlets form on the e-admissions website
  5. If you need assistance please phone the school office and we would be very happy to help you with this process.

The deadline for applications is 15th January 2024.

Secondary Transfers

If you live in Tower Hamlets and your child is in Year 6 you will need to make an online application via the eadmissions portal for them to transfer to secondary school in September 2024.

We have sent home your child’s banding information and guidance to help you make the application. All applications must be made online.

Before you apply please read the Ready for Secondary School in Tower Hamlets booklet which contains all the information you need on applying, including a step by step guide to making your online application. Pupil Services have also produced a film which explains the secondary transfer process and gives useful tips and advice from parents and children who have experience of the process. 

The deadline for secondary applications is 31st October 2023.

For more information please contact: Mohammed Malik: 020 7364 4307
Kelly Mack: 020 7364 5860

National Offer Day  

Pupil Services will send letters to Tower Hamlets parents notifying them of the outcome of applications to all the schools they applied for. If an application for a higher ranked school is unsuccessful parents will be advised of their right of appeal. Parents who cannot be offered a place for their child at any of the preferred schools will be allocated a place at one of the Tower Hamlets schools with places remaining. Notification of the outcome of online applications will also be made by email where an email address has been provided. We will you notify you as soon as possible about the date of National Offer Day.

National offer date for Nursery is 6th May 2024, 19th April 2024 for Reception, 1st March 2024 for secondary school applications.


If you are not offered a place at a school of your preference you can appeal that decision. The appeals panel is independent of the council and schools in the borough. 

You must complete and submit your appeal online. This is a simple and safe way to appeal and you will get a receipt to confirm it has been submitted. Please include any evidence or supporting material with your online appeal and you must give the reasons for your appeal at the time the appeal is submitted. You may appeal for more than one school. 

Admissions Appeals Timetable

In-year Transfers                                                      

In-year admissions take place outside the normal admission period.

You must also apply directly to the Local Authority at Pupil Admissions, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London E14 2BG, 0207 364 5006.