Statutory Policies Last approved  Review frequency:  Approval:            
Capability of staff   Governing body free to determine. Governing body free to delegate to a committee of the governing body or an individual governor.            
Charging and remissions 10.12.14 (Resources) Governing body free to determine. Governing body free to delegate to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the headteacher.
School behaviour 12.05.14 (Full GB) Governing body free to determine. Headteacher.
Sex education 20.01.14 (Full GB) Governing body free to determine. Governing body free to delegate to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the headteacher.
Special educational needs annually Full governing body or proprietor.
Teacher appraisal 10.12.14 (Resources) Governing body free to determine. Governing body free to delegate to a committee of the governing body or an individual governor.
TeachersÕ pay annually Governing body.
Data protection At least every two years Governing body free to determine how to implement.
Health and safety 24.01.13 (Full GB) Governing body or proprietor or local authority free to determine. Employer free to determine how to implement.
Admissions arrangements 22.09.14 (Full GB) annually Full governing body or a committee of the governing body where the school is an admissions authority.
Accessibility plan Every three years. Governing body free to delegate to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the headteacher.
Behaviour principles written statement Governing body free to determine. Full governing body or a committee of the governing body.
Central record of recruitment and vetting checks Live document covering staff currently employed. Governing body free to delegate to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the headteacher
Complaints procedure statement Governing body or proprietor free to determine. Governing body free to delegate to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the headteacher.
Freedom of Information Governing body free to determine. Governing body free to determine how to implement.
GovernorsÕ allowances (schemes for paying) Governing body free to determine Governing body free to delegate to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the headteacher.
Home-school agreement document   Governing body free to determine. Governing body free to delegate to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the headteacher.          
Instrument of government 16.03.15 (Full GB) Governing body free to determine. Full governing body.
Premises management documents Local authorities and schools have responsibilities for the repair and maintenance of premises. Governing body free to delegate to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the headteacher.
Equality information and objectives (public sector equality duty) statement for publication Every four years and publish information annually Governing body free to delegate to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the headteacher
School information published on a website Live – must be updated as soon as possible after a change and at least annually. Governing body free to delegate to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the headteacher.
Register of business interests of headteachers and governors September 2015 and ongoing Governing body free to determine subject to the local authority scheme. Governing body free to determine subject to the local authority scheme.
Register of pupilsÕ admission to school ~ Live document. The governing body free to delegate to a committee of the governing body, an individual governor or the headteacher or the proprietor must Òcause to be keptÓ a register.
Register of pupilsÕ attendance ~ Live document. The governing body of a school can delegate to the headteacher the keeping of the attendance register. The register can be kept and updated daily by appropriate school staff.
Staff discipline, conduct and grievance (procedures for addressing)   Maintained schools – governing body free to determine.  Maintained schools – full governing body.            
Child protection policy and procedures 10.12.14 (Resources)Safeguarding annually Governing body or proprietor
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Varies - please see Governing body free to determine.
Statement of procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff Governing body free to determine. Governing body free to determine
Supporting pupils with medical conditions Governing bodies, proprietors and management committees free to determine. Governing bodies of maintained schools, proprietors of academies, and management committees of pupil referral units.