Our Nursery

Funded places available for 3 to 4 year olds in our nursery!

Fun learning through play

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Open Mornings - Nursery and Reception Places 

Please phone the school office on 0207 9874624, or email admin@spsl.towerhamlets.sch.uk  to find out about visiting the school. Visits can be arranged in the afternoon if mornings are not possible.

Click here to download our EYFS Parents' Information Leaflet

In our nursery the children have lots of fun learning through play. The classroom is packed with stimulating resources to support the children’s learning, including play-dough, painting & creative, water play, messy play, domestic role-play, small world, construction, maths, writing, reading and storytelling areas.

Alongside the continuous provision, we also make enhancements to areas for specific learning purposes. The environment allows for children to learn collaboratively alongside their friends as well as providing quiet areas if they want to play on their own.

The classroom opens onto a very large enclosed outdoor space where children have the opportunity to make large scale buildings, make mud pies in the mud kitchen, search for mini-beasts in the bug hotel, be active on the climbing frames as well as the many other wonderful learning opportunities outdoor learning brings.

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